Stepdad are an awesome synthpop group from Michigan. Their lead singer is known only as "Ultramark." Their song "My Leather, My Fur, My Nails" has been stuck in my head for a month now, and my eyes are continually dazzled and delighted by the accompanying video, which you may watch below.
Today, I found that my craving for more Stepdad had boiled over, so I caved and dropped the $1 (!!!) necessary to procure their Ordinaire EP. And man, am I impressed. This was just what I wanted: a cornucopia of fun, catchy, and colorful pop tunes, with a few splashes of 8-bit and a healthy dose of the 80's. They've got a great sound and they do a lot with it. But Stepdad are no one-trick ponies: every song comes with its own feel and a unique set of sounds; sometimes I hear the spectre of Gobble Gobble's ecstatic dance-pop melodies, at other times I hear shades of fellow Michiganers Tally Hall in the vocal production...basically, this EP impresses the hell out of me.
My Leather, My Fur, My Nails - Stepdad
Grab this if nothing else. Maybe after a month you'll wind up doing the same thing I did and getting the EP out of sheer craving for more of this badassery.
They're working on an LP, Wildlife Pop, which is being produced by none other than Chris Zane. If that doesn't mean anything to you, let's just say that Patkins and I have an unhealthy obsession with Passion Pit, whose INCREDIBLE first album, Manners, was produced by Chris Zane. So you can imagine how excited this makes me.
So you should really go grab the EP. It's essentially 8 slices of epically good pop music, and you only have to pay $1 for it, though you're allowed to pay more. You will not regret it.
It's over at their Bandcamp.
Stay sparkly, folks.
Lobster out.
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