This mix is the work of my other half, DJMUS *, who mixed this shit on a PLANE!! I believe it's his first, so download and show the man some love.
Surprisingly Awesome Airplane Mix - DJMUS *
1) im not your toy (jack beats remix) - la roux
2) reward is cheese - deadmau5
3) reward is more cheese - mau5
4) soma - mau5
5) everything in its right place (gigamesh remix) - radiohead
6) undertaker - wolfgang gartner
7) reward is cheese - mau5
8) some chords - mau5
9) ready for the floor (hot chip)
10) too many dicks - fotc
11) hello seattle (remix) - owl city
Oh yeah, and he apologizes for the mau5-heaviness. Though that's obviously a good thing.
dear ∆-