Radar Detector - Darwin Deez
I have been getting into Darwin Deez in a BIG way lately. Just got his self-titled album, and regardless of the mixed reviews, I can't help but love it. He makes lo-fi indie pop that's right up my alley: original but catchy melodies, poppy chord progressions but with regular detours into epic harmonic territory...check his shit out, dude!
Freaks and Geeks - Childish Gambino
Yeah, I now this is "in" right now, don't kill me. But the beat is fuckin great, and Donald Glover is a damn good rapper even if he's being more clever than anything else (Drake comparisons abound). But such gems as "I'm runnin this bitch/you are just a dog walker?" and "Took the 'g' out your waffle/all you got left is your ego?" certainly deserve props. Download Childish Gambino's EP for free HERE.
Radicals - Tyler, the Creator
...yeah, this is pt. 2 of a series entitled, "Our Blog Posts EXACTLY What You Expect It To." Say what you will about OFWGKTA and Tyler (musically or ethically) but they're blowing up in a big way...a kid at my school suggested they might be "the Sex Pistols of our generation," and this song sort of hits that particular nail on the head. Plus, it's got all the upper-middle-class white kids (myself included) chanting "KILL PEOPLE, BURN SHIT, FUCK SCHOOL," a sight I'm still trying to wrap my head around.
Forever (feat. Will.I.Am) - Wolfgang Gartner
This track was pretty divisive when it came out. All the EDM purists started calling Wolfgang a sell-out, which is kind of understandable, because fuck Will.I.Am. But then you listen to the track in question: it's accessible but well-made, it's still got that signature Gartner sound (obviously scaled down a bit for pop purposes), and Will.I.Am actually doesn't ruin it! But if you're just not into pop/electro house crossovers, feel free to ignore this one. I just think it deserves mention that someone cooler than David Guetta is getting big names on his shit.
Generation - Skanek
For those of you who hated the above track, this is for you: a healthy serving of some straight up, un-poppy, nasty-ass electro for all the heads out there. Got this from Daftwho?, who post heavy shit like this (plus lots of dirty dubstep jams if that's also yo thang) on the regular. ((WARNING: play this in your car IF AND ONLY IF you are driving in a zone where going 60+ mph is LEGAL))
Louder (Doctor P & Flux Pavilion Remix)
And this one should please both crowds, except for that particular brand of EDM purists who just refuse to enjoy anything that sounds too much like "brostep." But fuck those guys. Genre aside, good music is good music. Also, it's influencing the mainstream in ways you can't even imagine... Anyways, this is actually one of my favorite Flux Pavilion productions: he and the Doctor just OWN that (crucial) balance between awesome, catchy chords and fucked-up, bassy noise. Pop dubstep/brostep at its best.
Hope y'all enjoy! Sorry for the long descriptions, obviously the tracks come first in case you don't want to read my wordvomit. I just like writin and shit.
Lobster out!
Lobster out!
Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima - Krzysztof Penderecki
Penderecki can sound-paint catastrophe, fear, and horror like no other. Tonality's overrated anyways. This one's for the classical heads (I took a Musical Style/History course this past semester, deal), though you might recognize this from "The Shining" and "Children of Men."
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