Shigeto is a brilliant electronica/indie/beat music producer based out of Brooklyn. To clarify: it's mostly beat stuff, with that downtempo/hip-hop feel, but he's got a very neat sound that sometimes strays out of the hip-hop spectrum. He's a master of soundscapes: bright synths, pretty chords, kick-ass drums, and percussion up the wazoo. But he is undeniably beat-driven. And one hell of a good producer.
He's signed to Ghostly International, a bad-ass label/collective/site that has a lot of amazing artists signed to it...like Gold Panda, who I will post on soon. He (Shigeto) has an album, Full Circle, coming out in a couple of weeks, I am extremely excited and will most definitely purchase it. More info here.
~ d ~ a ~ s ~ ~ t ~ u ~ n ~ e ~ s ~
Adrift (Shigeto's Adrift A Dream Remix) - Tycho
First song of his I got. From XLR8R...point made. So beautiful, the beat is stripped down to these minimalist clicks over beautiful synth washes and a simple melody, with a little sub thrown in there for good measure. It struck me because I'd never heard this kind of sound anywhere else.
Spoons (Shigeto Remix) - Shlohmo
This one's from Shlohmo's Camping EP. Whereas the original track basically oscillates between glitch/ambient and gnarly wobble-bass beat music, this one takes those ambient, woozy chords and throws them over a killer beat in the first 30 seconds, then holds off on the wobble bass til later, when it arrives in a more subtle, muted form than in the original. Really tight remix.
Jungle Strings - Shigeto
From his Soundcloud. This starts with pretty much an electro beat, like something you'd hear from SebastiAn. But with intricate percussion & use of white noise, a droning string sample, and some arpeggiated blips in the background. Also it slows down to hip-hop tempo at the end, which is pretty kewl.
Is This All For Real - Shigeto
From a Moodgadget compilation called The Nocturnal Suite. This one's got a plucked guitar sample and vocals (reverbed up the wazoo and faded to the background), both of which mix well with the beat. Great bass, groovy beat, and some FUNKY lead synths. MAN he knows how to make good synth noises.
After The Smoke - Shigeto
From the What We Held On To EP. Amazing song. A neckbreaking beat soaked in distant sidechained chords hits you relentlessly, only occasionally giving you a measure's respite by breaking for a mournful vocal sample. By the end, the chords are everywhere, from high end to low, until you are literally saturated in synths. If you like this song, GET THE EP. I cannot stress this enough. It's not a big file size, it's beautiful music, and most importantly, IT'S FREE, COURTESY OF THE ARTIST. So he wants you to have it!
[Go get. No excuses.]
Lobster out.
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BONUS: new groundislava shit. he's half of LandLord, who we posted on here. this track was originally a remix but I like it a lot more without the vocals; this dude is a fantasic producer in his own right, and the rappers on the original suck. So cop it. Now.
Flawed Fortress (I bet I do remix instrumental) by Groundislava
You can grab the actual remix (with vocals) over at WEDIDIT.
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